Bible Fellowship at 10:15 a.m., Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m., andWednesday Service at 7:00 p.m. NoMonday Night Prayer Service at this time – Please pray at home.
If you do not feel comfortable about coming or meet CDC guidelines, stay home.
Do not arrive excessively early. Upon arrival, go straight into the Sanctuary and choose a seat (do not approach others to visit in small groups).
Do not shake hands or do hugs.
If you want to wear a mask, feel free to bring one. Do not discard it at church – take it with you.
Keep your family together at all times. Children must sit with their family.
There will be one combined Bible Fellowship at 10:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Children and Youth Bible Fellowships can meet in their regular room, if they choose to, while maintaining 6-foot distance from all others. No food or drinks.
Maintain 6-foot distance between yourself and next closest non-family person, including when sitting. If you can stretch your arm out and non-family person could stretch theirs out; if fingers can touch you are too close.
Containers will be placed at the back of Sanctuary for receiving your tithes and offerings. There will be no “Square” provision for giving until further notice. You can also give online.
When service is over, go straight to your cars. Do not gather in South Foyer.
Praise team members should also maintain 6-foot distance between themselves.
Sound booth technicians should also maintain 6-foot distance between themselves.
Greeters/Ushers should provide one man outside front door to monitor for security threats and be ready to close/secure doors while maintaining 6-foot distance from all others. No Greeters at this time.
Ushers should provide monitoring of both offering containers and proper traffic movement in and out of the building while maintaining 6-foot distance from all others.
Gloves and sanitizer will be provided for volunteers’ use that desire them.